I'm just a man in my mid-30's, married, and with children.
I get far less sex than I need. I get even less sex than I want. So naturally I'm extremely hungry sexually.
I have an extremely graphic and erotic imagination.
I'm very sensual, preferring to enjoy all life has to offer with all of my senses.
I love sex. A lot. Being as sensual as I am then naturally leads me to really enjoying sex with all of my senses.
I love pleasing a woman orally. There is just something hypersensual about the experience of eating pussy. So I tend to include that in almost all of my writing.
I have done this before, at an earlier time and under a different name.
I love beautiful women. But please keep in mind that, to me, beauty is not at all about how pretty your her face is or how skinny her waste is. No, beauty is so much more than that. Beauty is in the way she smiles, how she blows her hair out of her face so I can see it clearer. It is how she sits in a way that only a woman can sit. It is how she laughs when something tickles her. It is how she smells when she gets out of the shower and how she feels when she has just woken up. Beauty is so much more than appearance, and while appearance can, and usually does, give me a hard on, only real beauty can give me a proper turn on.
If there is anything else you want to know about me you can always email me. Or follow me on Twitter and send me a DM. I try to respond to all questions as best and honest as I can.
I am one 99% in ur shoes!!!